Baptisms are celebrated at a date and time mutually beneficial to the Pastor and Family. One session of Baptism preparation for parents is required prior to Baptism; it is sometimes easier if this is done prior to the birth of the baby. Preparation sessions are held at the Parish Office. No dates for Baptism will be set until this requirement is fulfilled. God Parents must comply with Church qualifications.
Couples planning marriage are expected to attend Pre-Cana Conferences sponsored by the Diocese and to meet with the Pastor. The period of preparation requires a minimum of six months advance notification to the Parish so that all arrangements can be worked out well before the actual wedding date. Either the bride or groom must be a registered, participating, and supporting member of the Parish.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the rectory to have a parishioner placed on the Parish Sick List or to arrange Anointing.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are heard according to the scheduled times published in the weekly parish bulletin or upon request by contacting the Pastor.
Un-confirmed adults must receive proper religious instruction and will be Confirmed by the Bishop. Children must be enrolled in the Religious Education Program or be attending our Regional Catholic Grade School. Confirmation is celebrated yearly with date and time to be decided by the Bishop.
Holy Eucharist
Mass is scheduled daily and on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. The faithful are encouraged to receive Holy Communion daily if their work schedule allows. They should, most importantly, be in a "State of Grace" in order to receive Holy Eucharist and the other Sacraments.