Parish Councils

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is an essential element of parish life and an invaluable resource to the Pastor in providing good pasatoral leadership for the overall life of the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council asssists the Pastor to carry out his responsibilties for the advancementof the pastoral mission of the parish as a consultative body. Active parishioners are appointed to the Parish Pastoral Council for a set period of time. 

Current Members of Holy Family Parish of Minersville's Parish Pastoral Council

Linda Butcavage

Ken Eichenberg

Sophie Frantz

Cathy Horan

Jeremy Hossler

Jim O'Brien

Helene O'Connor

Julianne Reiner

Jarrod Ryan


Parish Finance Council

"The Finance Council is a consultative body which provides the Pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish finscal resources... [and] assists the Pastor by: conducting long range financial planning [strategic planning]... and developing and overseeing a parish budget" Canon 537.

Current Members of Holy Family Parish of Minersville's Parish Finance Council

Mary Jane Appleby

Matt Carr

Jamie Kuehn

Ron Rowlands